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5 Free Activities for Natural Stress Relief

  Every now and then – we all need a treat.  In fact, there’s no reason why we can’t treat ourselves every day! Treating ourselves is a form of self-love. We often find it much easier more rewarding to treat friends and family members yet, we cringe or are out rightly horrified by the idea of doing something nice for ourselves. However, it’s all also too common for us equate treating ourselves to food or by spending money that quite often we don’t have as being the only way we can show ourselves appreciation. Learning to treat ourselves without spending money is a great way for us to start enjoying the simpler pleasures in life so here’s a few ideas...

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Visualisation: How it Works & How to Get Started

Many of us are conditioned to believe that we have to accept life as it is and by that we are already putting up mental barriers, preventing us from dreaming big or achieving our goals. Even if you are someone who sets themselves goals – how many of these have you lost track of or just let your motivation slip away as day to day life takes priority again? The good news is that there is a way to help prevent this from happening and for you to get closer to achieving your dreams and help you lead the life you desire. “I do not fix my problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.” Louise Hay Visualisation is...

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5 Ways You Can Improve Your Wellbeing Everyday

One of the best ways to find happiness and improve well-being every day is to celebrate how amazing life is.Practice mindfulness exercises for focus. If you can find a way to celebrate life every day, you will become more positive and productive, in turn, find it easier to deal with the challenges and stress that we sometimes have to deal with. Hopefully, the following five ideas will give you a little inspiration:   Practice gratitude – giving thanks daily even for the small things in life is a perfect way to celebrate life and improve your well-being. Before you go to bed, try listing three things you have been grateful for that day,practice active mindfulness exercises. You’ll wake up motivated...

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MY Deepak and Oprah guided mediation experience

 Much less often does it so happen that you stumble across something you had no idea you needed, something that is about to ameliorate every aspect in your life in the purest of forms. 'Oprah & Deepak 21-day Meditation Experience' is the miracle that found me as much as I found it. Before I began with it, I was mentally motivated to keep pushing myself to finish the entire challenge by waking up 30min earlier every day for the next 21 days. "I HAVE to complete this challenge, by any means!", I kept saying to myself. As it turns out, after the 'Day 1' meditation, I never needed to repeat that statement ever again. After each 20-minute morning meditation session,...

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The Artist's Way, review: A Valuable Lesson in Discovering Your Own Creativity

I have been asked many times how I came about the idea of creating MY Journal. Back in 2012 my life was a mess. I was stressed, very unhappy, and didn’t know where to turn. Every aspect of my life seemed to be going in the wrong direction. I felt disconnected from my friends, undervalued at work and nothing was going my way. Sounds familiar? I remember being on the phone to a good friend, pouring my heart out proclaiming how stuck I felt. She quickly and calmly said to me, "I'll post something to you, look out for it in the post in the next few days". Two days later the book ‘The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron arrived...

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