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The Benefits of Using Colours to Plan in Your Planner.

Do you ever struggle to stay organised and focused with your planner? Bringing colour to your planner may be just the solution you need! Adding colour can breathe life into your planning routine and help you achieve your goals more intentionally and with ease. Here are some of the many benefits of using colors to plan in your planner: 1. Increased Clarity Using colours in your planner can help you to easily differentiate between tasks and projects. By assigning a different colour to each category or different priorities you may have, you can quickly visually see what needs to be done and prioritise your tasks making it easier to get through your routine and achieve the set goals. 2. Improved...

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Why MYnd Map Includes Colouring Illustrations in Their Journals: Enhancing Visualisation for Resilience and Growth

  Visualisation is a powerful tool that can help you manifest your goals and dreams. But did you know that colouring can also be an effective way to enhance visualisation? When you use your MYnd Map Journal and colour in the illustrations, you are engaging with our creative side, allowing your minds to drift and your subconscious to take over. At MYnd Map, we believe that visual aids can improve our productivity and overall mental health. That's why we've included illustrations to colour in our journals, planners, cards, agendas and calendars. Here's why we think this is an essential element of our journaling and planning products:1. Encourages CreativityColouring allows us to express our creative side. When we are colouring, we...

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20 Things you can do to contribute to society

Every once in a while, think about the ways you can give back and contribute to society. No matter how big or small your act of kindness is, it is guaranteed to boost the mental health and well-being of you and the people it impacts. In our journals, we encourage you to reflect on your Contributions, whether it's the gifts and talents you can share with others or the time, money, or support you can donate, because it encourages you to embrace gratitude and be mindful of the communities you are a part of. And let's be honest, it feels great and makes you feel happy to do something nice for others. Here are 20 ways you can start and help increase...

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5 Ways to use social media mindfully.

Consider your intentions Before you open up a social media app, consider your intentions. Why do you want to go on this app right now? What do you want to see and why? What do you want to get out of it? How do you want to feel afterward? Once you have these questions answered, your time on social media will be a lot more purposeful and fulfilling, and this approach is much better than mindlessly logging on and letting the content that’s thrown at you dictate your thoughts. Remember that social media is not a reflection of reality It’s important to never forget that social media is a highlight reel of people’s lives. People are much more likely to...

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